Organization name
Park City Sailing Association
Tax id (EIN)
PO BOX 981236PARK CITY, UT 84098
0% complete
$10,000 Goal
With over 1000 participants in 2023, Park City Sailing is dedicated to enriching the community and changing lives, by utilizing the huge array of benefits of sailing for all people and all ages, and making the sport accessible and affordable to all.
We are a community that is passionate about sailing and we strive to share that passion with individuals of all ages. Over the past 13+ years, we have developed educational, therapeutic, experiential, and competitive programs for kids and adults through our own initiatives as well as partnerships with other non-profit community organizations.
We are especially proud and committed to our outreach programming, and our collaboration with groups such as Warrior Sailing, SLC Veterans Administration, Spectrum Sailing, The National Ability Center, and many others.
Sailing teaches kids and adults both, life skills such as resilience, independence, decision making, self-reliance, and discipline. It also teaches the value of fair play, respect, teamwork, integrity, inclusiveness, and caring for the environment.
Our organization thrives on grants and the generous and vital donations of money and time from our members and supporters. Donations help support our scholarship program, community outreach programs, adaptive and therapeutic partnerships, our instructors and administrative staff, and the continued development of our mission.
This year we are focusing our fundraising efforts on replacing engines and repairing safety boats used for coaching, safety, and maintenance. These boats are a critical component to our success and functionality. Further, we are aiming to replace and add more sailboats for our Junior Sailing Program so we can welcome more children into our program.
Please help us sustain our mission while increasing safety, and growing our reach and expanding our impact. Please be a part in helping Park City Sailing be the best our organization can be. There are a number of ways to contribute. This year we are offering the opportunity to name one of our boats, either for a year or indefinitely.
2023 Donation Levels & Naming Rights:
Donations under $100 are greatly appreciated as well as they really add up. We are thrilled for their cumulative impact. $10, $25, $50, anything and everything helps our cause. Thank you for supporting Park City Sailing as we continue to grow and improve our quality and outreach to be the best we can be for the community!
MATCHING GRANTS: Matching grants help increase the value of each donation, and incentivize more giving! Email if you are interested in contributing.
Organization name
Park City Sailing Association
Tax id (EIN)
PO BOX 981236