Participant Agreement

Eligibility for Participation

Eligibility for nonprofit participation in Live PC Give PC is as follows:

  1. Has been determined by the IRS to be a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. 

  2. Is an active, registered charity with the State of Utah. Check your status or apply here
  3. Currently offer programs that support people who live and/or work in Summit County, Utah. Programs, in this case, refer to direct services.

  4. In alignment with the mission, vision, and values of Park City Community Foundation. 

  5. Park City Community Foundation reserves the right to make the final determination on participation. 

**Organizations that have participated in previous years are not automatically eligible for participation.  

The following types of organizations are ineligible: corporate or private foundations, political campaigns; political party organizations; or organizations known to support, or who engage in activities, or who publish language that incites or engages in violence, intimidation, harassment, threats, or defamation targeting an individual or group based on their actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, immigration status, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or physical or mental ability. These activities are contrary to Park City Community Foundation’s mission and its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

Participant Agreement

Park City Community Foundation Commitment

To make the day a success for all nonprofit organizations, Park City Community Foundation pledges to:

  • Fund, create, maintain and oversee the online giving platform
  • Create a common message and brand for the campaign
  • Create marketing templates and other tools to help nonprofits market their organization
  • Fund and provide limited collateral materials
  • Manage and oversee all aspects of the campaign, including volunteers and public outreach

Nonprofit Participant Commitment

To make the day a success for all, participating nonprofit organizations pledge to:

  • Seek a matching or challenge grant from a local business, board member, or another supporter to incentivize giving to your organization
  • Use all funds raised on November 15, 2024, via to benefit Summit County, Utah
  • Create a landing page for your organization on the Mightycause platform by September 27, 2024
  • Attend all mandatory meetings and complete all trainings provided on this site
  • Broadcast the campaign’s message using existing community networks
  • Contribute to the campaign’s success by committing staff and volunteer time to outreach, especially on November 15, 2024
  • Follow all of the marketing and branding guidelines (see Nonprofit Toolkit)


Not Permissible

Park City Community Foundation does not support the selling of tickets, auction items, or any other goods or services as a part of this day. The donor of any online donation cannot receive, nor be promised to receive, any valuable goods or services as a result of such a donation. 

Our hope is to make this fun, easy, and successful for everyone. This campaign will be the sum of all our efforts - each organization is critical; like most things, what you put in is what you get out!

By registering to participate, you agree to these conditions and will provide the necessary documentation. There is no fee to participate. You are not obligated to pursue anything beyond this registration, and you have the right to not participate in the campaign. This is not a legally binding agreement.


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